Hey Knights! I know we are all excited for our football home opener as they boast a fantastic environment and is a great opportunity to socialize with fellow classmates, especially in the student section. However, there are some unspoken (and spoken) rules that all new students should know for their first football game, from a fourth year student section veteran.
Do get there early
The student section is first come first serve seating arrangement. If you want to get good seats, you should show up around half an hour before the start of the game. Showing up as the game starts will most likely result in you sitting in the back in the parents section, or with no seat at all, which is not fun.
Do get your wristbands during lunch the day of the game
It is extremely important to get your wristband during lunch on game day as they allow you to enter into the game and the student section with no issues and no price. The fee to enter without a wristband is 15 dollars. Your student ID is an alternative if you can’t get a wristband.
Do follow the game theme
Every game, there is a dress theme created by ASB for the students to follow, unifying students and adding more fun to the game. Past themes include pajamas, neon, white out, and black out with this Friday’s theme being beach attire. You can dress however you want (in compliance with free dress rules in the student-parent handbook), but it’s encouraged to go crazy with it. Overall, it is a great way to connect with fellow students and support the team.
Do bring payment (Cash or Card)
There’s a concession stand near the corner of Houston and Sunnyslope that sells a variety of food, including cheeseburgers, chili dogs, and churros. Buying food from there is a great way to support the football team and the school (and they conveniently take cash or card). Enjoy those churros Knights.
Do participate in “Hey Knights”
The main reason to go to football games is to support the team. School President Mr. Thomas stated that students should, “Listen to the Cheerleaders and cheer in support of the Knights with pride and enthusiasm.” This is true especially during “Hey Knights.” As the new students were taught during their orientations, about four times a game, the cheer teams come to the student section for the chant with everyone crouching down then jumping with school pride. To reach its full potential, everyone must scream “get up” as loud as they can. In the wise words of Mr. Thomas, “don’t sit at home or your friend’s house on a Football Friday; show your Knight Pride and cheer the Knights on to Victory!”

Don’t bring people outside of Notre Dame into the Student Section.
If you have friends that go to a different school, it may be tempting to bring them into the student section. However, it is important to not let them sit in the student section. Security checks IDs at the student section, so do not expect to be able to get in with someone outside of ND. This rule is not a way to take you away from friends but rather a safety concern and if you are caught sneaking someone in, you will be kicked out of the student section and have a disciplinary talk with the deans.
Don’t sit in the first three rows of the student section.
These rows are reserved for seniors and seniors alone. In my three years of attending football games, I have seen my fair share of lower classmen found in the senior section and humiliatingly sent up to the top by seniors. Thankfully, that has never happened to me. However, do not risk it. Us seniors will find you and we will send you into exile.
…Or on the stairs or in the band area.
It may seem tempting to sit on the stairs when the actual seats are packed like sardines. However, sitting on the stairs blocks the way for people coming up and down. Teachers will yell at you if you sit there, and nobody wants that.
It is also important to not sit in the band area. They sit to the right of the student section and are blocked off by yellow rope. The band has been practicing for weeks and are putting a lot of effort into making your night entertaining and the least we can do is give them their space.
Don’t get concessions at halftime.
When I say that the snack line gets long at halftime, I am not lying. I have waited in that line for over 30 minutes just to get water and skittles. You often have to wait longer than the average halftime length. Even during quarter breaks, the queue gets busy. The best times to go are near the middle of the third quarter or the first half of the second quarter. Or if you listened to my previous advice and come early, get your food and drinks then. Plus, you won’t have to miss the great performances put on by the band and cheer team.
Don’t Throw Anything
This should come as common courtesy but is still broken year after year. Don’t throw anything–water bottles, water from those water bottles, food–anything. It can possibly result in injury and is overall seen as an inappropriate move. The Dean of Men, Mr. Dill said, “Students have to realize that they are not the only ones in the student section.” So keep that in mind and be respectful.
Well, that wraps up my list. I hope you follow the great advice I have gathered for all of you. Enjoy the game, and I’ll see you out there. Go Knights!